كيف ممكن زيارة جزيرة سقطرى

هنالك الكثير يتساءلون عن كيفية زيارة الجزيرة. من ذو بداية الحرب فى اليمن، توقفت الرحلات الجوية إلى الجزيرة لعدة أسباب. لكن من بضع أشهر، استئنفت الخطوط الجوية لطيران اليمنية رحلاتها الأسبوعية من وإلى الجزيرة عبر مطار سيئون، حضرموت. للراغبين زيارة الجزيرة، ينصح حجز تذاكر بأقرب وقت ممكن بسبب الاندفاع الكبير لزيارة سقطرى، قد ياخذ ما يقارب شهر لتأمين… Read More »

Trip accommodation in the island

Many people are concerned about lodging, transportation and tourists guides in the island. There are two hotels in the island and they are both located in Hadibo, the capital city of Socotra island.  Summerland Hotel   Taj Socotra Tourist Hotel  However, tourists are not limited to staying in a hotel as other living arrangement can be made. Some… Read More »

About Socotra Island

Socotra island is a yemeni island located in the Indian Ocean, described as the most alien-looking place on Earth. Socotra (Arabic: سُقُطْرَى‎ Suquṭrā), also called Soqotra, located between the Guardafui Channel and the Arabian Sea, is the largest of four islands of the Socotra archipelago. The territory is located near major shipping routes and is officially part of… Read More »

Flights from Cairo, Egypt to Socotra

Travel from Cairo, Egypt to Socotra island: According to Inertia Network, the following is the weekly schedule for flights to the island. However, due to the high demand for flights to Socotra, it is recommended to book your flight a month in advance to insure seat availability. The cost for a round trip from Cairo to Socotra ranges… Read More »